While LASIK eye surgery is currently the most popular refractive surgery procedure performed worldwide for correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, you should understand that it is not appropriate for everyone.
Several conditions may disqualify you from having your vision defect corrected by LASIK. In general, the best possible results are obtained when LASIK is performed on a healthy person with healthy eyes. This can be achieved through appropriate patient selection, education, assessment, and informed consent.
To be an ideal LASIK candidate:
- You should be 18 years of age or older
- You should have a stable vision (refractive error) for at least a one year before LASIK eye surgery
- You should prefer to undergo LASIK surgery to wearing contacts or glasses
- You should be free of any diseases of the outer eye, cornea, eyelids or posterior segment
- You should be in good general health (i.e., not suffering from any systemic or autoimmune disease such as lupus)
- You should not be pregnant, nursing, or planning to conceive in next 6-12 months
- You should have a realistic expectation about the outcome of the LASIK procedure
- You should be informed about the possible side effects and willing to take the risks
- You should be willing to commit to instructions and care plan after LASIK surgery
- You should be able to afford the financial commitment