Refractive eye surgeries include various elective surgical procedures aimed at improving the refractive power of the eye and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. These operations adjust the refraction of the eye by changing the power of the cornea and/or the crystalline lens, as these make up the main refractive surfaces of the eye.
While refractive surgery is becoming more inexpensive and safe, it may not be suitable for everybody. Refractive errors that may be corrected by such surgeries include nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia.
A large number of refractive surgery procedures are available and this number is increasing all the time. The most common procedures today use excimer lasers to remodel the cornea. An example of these procedure is LASIK eye surgery.
The full series of LASIK Vision Correction Explained tutorials are Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2, Tutorial 3, Tutorial 4, Tutorial 5, Tutorial 6,Tutorial 7, Tutorial 8, Tutorial 9, Tutorial 10, Tutorial 11 and Tutorial 12.